
After meditating 3 minutes a class for 20 classes, 81% of students said it reduced anger, stress, and fear, and 91% said it increased calmness, kindness, and empathy. This blog has many posts of students sharing how meditation has helped them. The above interview is an interview of 2 Padua students who were particularly moved by meditation. Below are 7 student quotes about how meditation helped them.

“Meditation gave me an outlet to find myself, become grounded, and regroup for the tasks ahead.”

“Meditation calmed my mind of the anxiousness that overtook me every day.”

“Meditation has allowed me to let go and feel relaxed about all my struggles and worries. Meditating at least once during a hectic day allows me to see the bigger picture and appreciate what is actually important in life.”

“Those three minutes help me to let go of pointless worries that I have and allow me to focus on the most important things in my life.” 

“Meditation helps me to embrace who I am through a feeling of inner peace and satisfaction, in addition to being a major stress reliever.”

“Meditation helped me take control of my thoughts and my feelings.”

“I’ve realized how quieting my mind can help me feel more relaxed, collected, and focused on the task at hand.”